4 Blog Exercise: Visual vs Symbolic Language

4 Blog Exercise: Visual vs Symbolic Language

Find a photographic image on the internet using the keyword "unemployment"

or "economy" and with Google images search set to "Photo content".

Download and post that photo on your blog and underneath post a the first paragraph of text as follows: Write a list of one-word or short-phrased
responses you have to it in terms of its literal, representational content as well as itsunderlying compositional structure and include a list of any symbols (language or other symbols) that can be seen in the image. After this analysis, write a paragraph that completely reports (verbally) what the photograph reports (visually) and which could be used as a REPLACEMENT for it (as if you were describing it to someone who was visually impaired).

Symbols: Darkness
Visual representation words:
Business suits, briefcase, stairs in front of the business building.
One point perspective. Focusing point is his face. Shadows used in the composition.

This photo shows a guy sitting on the stairs of a business building, dressed up in all suits with his briefcase just like the people who would've go to work dressed like. He holds his face with an arm, looking towards down to the ground, from the image itself we can tell he is really sad about something. By looking at the environment, the stairs is dark, the lighting is gloomy. The only light source is like coming from the bottom towards his face. It is an one point perspective image, the person in suit, as to be the center and the main content of the image, is in the front and middle. and the background of all stairs extends to the very back, all dissolved into one dark point in the horizon line. This whole image gives a sad disappointing feel, while resembles and fully describes the word of "unemployment".

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