WEEK 7 Blog Exercise - Visual Perception 2 / Feature Hierarchy

Blog Exercise - Visual Perception 2 / Feature Hierarchy

Find an example related to both this week's content - feature channels and their role in visual

search - and your planned major course of study and professional interests. Post at least

one image of it and write at least 8 sentences explaining (in your own words but using the

vocabulary of Ware, lectures, links, etc) HOW it is related to this week’s topics. The example

could be a website, poster, book design, tangible product (which often must communicate with

their users without resorting to text or icons), user interfaces, etc. Find something from an area

that YOU might like to design for. Be sure to provide credit for the example's creator and cite the

source (book or magazine title, WWW URL, etc.).


For this week's blog i choose some illustration images done by pen. Being a graphic designer has so much to learn, such as rules and strains, but been a traditional drawing person for so many years, i'd want to combine my interest and my field of study together. This week's image is somehow related to the area I want to look more into.

These images are abstractive and interesting. With lots of great balance and compositions. These image gives a great movement. I especially like the first image. It is very expressive with the combination of geometric shapes and lines. The weights are focused on the right side but it's not out of balance. The hierarchies are very intricately mixed. Although the organic black shape on the right is more bold, those repeated shape and pattern on top of is has a great details which catches the eyes first. Making viewers wanted to see them first, the movement of eyes is supposed to be from top right to the bottom left, but the image is abstract enough to have other variations of visual perception.

Artist's Name: Cloudery

Word press address: http://cloudery.wordpress.com/2008/11/06/

Info: Cloudery. Drawings in Pen & Ink. In October 2008

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